So now that we have a few managers let's put them to good use. I'm going to do this by making a TexturedModel
class that will let me display textured 3D models.
class TexturedModel {
protected int objHandle = -1;
protected int texHandle = -1;
public TexturedModel(string obj, string texture) {
texHandle = TextureManager.Instance.LoadTexture(texture);
objHandle = ModelManager.Instance.LoadModel(obj);
public void Shutdown() {
objHandle = texHandle = -1;
public void Render() {
int texture = TextureManager.Instance.GetGLHandle(texHandle);
OBJLoader model = ModelManager.Instance.GetModel(objHandle);
GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, texture);
GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0);
That's it. That's how simple it is to use our new manager classes to display any textured obj model. The constructor takes two arguments, both file paths. Each object is loaded up, a handle to each is kept and released accordingly.