Deleting textures

Now that we know exactly what we have to do in the initialize function of a textured application, let's take a quick look at how to clean up a texture handle. This could not be any easyer.

First, make sure the texture you are deleting isn't bound! Remember, you can always bind 0 as the active texture (effectivley binding null). Next, you need to pass the textures handle to the function. This function has two variations:

void GL.DeleteTexture(int texture);
void GL.DeleteTextures(int n, int[] textures);
// The first argument of the second function (n) is
// the length of the textures array.

One of them takes a single handle and deletes it, the other takes an array of handles and deletes them all. It should be common sense, but once a texture is deleted you should not use it. If you do, no error will be thrown, but undefined behaviour will happen!

So Far

We're almost ready to draw some textured stuff! Let's recap the texturing process so far:

int texture1 = -1;
int texture2 = -1;

void Initialize() {
    // Enable Texturing

    int width = -1;
    int height = -1;

    // Load in textures, we don't even care 
    // about the width / height right now
    // Be sure to use the version of this 
    // function that specifies a min & mag filter!
    texture1 = LoadGLTexture("file.png", out width, out height, true);
    texture2 = LoadGLTexture("file2.png", out width, out height, false);

void Render() {
    // TODO: Render textures!

void Shutdown() {
    // Now that we are done, delete the texture handles!

    // And i like to set any int references to invalid values
    // just so i know that these are no longer usable
    texture1 = texture2 = -1;

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