
OpenGL allows you to blend incoming framents with pixels already on screen. Which enables you to introduce effects such as transparency into your scenes. With transparency you can simulate water, windows, glass and other objects in the world you can normally see trough.

The term fragment might be new to you, but it will come up several times from here on out. This is a good time to discuss what it is.

As OpenGL processes the primitives you pass to it, during the rasterization stage it breaks them down into pixel size chunks called fragments. Sometimes the terms pixel and fragment are used interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference. A pixel is a value that gets written to the color buffer. A fragment is a piece of a primitive that might eventually become a pixel after it is depth-tested, alpha-tested, blended, combined with a texture, combined with another fragment or it may just become a pixel without being modified.

So, essentially a fragment is data that can become a pixel, but isn't necesarley a pixel yet.

Remember the alpha value we've been ignoring all this time? Well, now that we're talking about blending it's time to learn how to use it. When enabling blending, you are telling OpenGL to combine the color of the incoming primitive with the color that is already in the frame buffer, and store that combined color back into the frame buffer.

Blending operations are typically specified with the RGB values representing color, and the Alpha value representing opacity. But other combinations are possible. From now on,we will refer to the incomming fragment as SOURCE, and the pixel that is already in the frame buffer as DESTINATION.

To enable blending, call the GL.Enable method with EnableCaps.Blend as it's argument. Just enabling blending isn't enough to make blending happen. You must also tell OpenGL what formulat to use to blend pixel colors. You do this by defining a blending function for the source and destination fragments.

You can call the function GL.BlendFunc to define the source and destination blend factors. Blend factors are values in the 0 to 1 range, that are multiplied by the RGBA components of both the source and destination colors. The resulting colors are then combined (usually by adding them) and clamped to the range of 0 to 1.

void GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc sourceFactor, BlendingFactorDest destFactor);

The first argument is the source blend factor, the second argument is the destination blend factor. Both enums contain the same enumerated values, with the exception of OneMinusSrdColor which is only available as a source blend factor and OneMinusDstColor, which is only available as a destination blend factor. The enumerated values are:

  • Zero Each component is multiplied by 0, effectivley setting the color to black
  • One Each component is multiplied by 1, leaving the color unchanged
  • SrcColor Each component is multiplied by the coresponding component
  • OneMinusSrcColor Each component is multiplied by 1 - source color
  • DstColor Each component is multiplied by the coresponding component in the destination color
  • OneMinusDstColor Each component is multiplied by 1 - destination color
  • SrcAlpha Each component is multiplied by the source alpha value
  • OneMinusSrcAlpha Each component is multiplied by 1 - source alpha value
  • DstAlpha Each component is multiplied by the destination alpha value
  • OneMinusDstAlpha Each component is multiplied by 1 - dest alpha value
  • ConstantColor Each component is multiplied by a constant color, set using GL.BlendColor
  • OneMinusConstantColor Each component is multiplied by 1 - constant color, set using GL.BlendColor
  • ConstantAlpha Each component is multiplied by an alpha value set using GL.BlendColor
  • OneMinusConstantAlpha Each component is multiplied by 1 - a constant alpha value set using GL.BlendColor
  • SrcAlphaSaturate Multiplies the source color by the minimum of source and (1 - destination). The alpha value is not modified. Only valid as the source blend factor

The default values are One for the source and Zero for the destination. Which produces the same results as not using blending at all.

Many different effects can be created with these blending factors, some o which are more useful in medical imaging than games. To better understand how this voodoo works, let's look at the application that is most often used in games: transparency! Typically transparency is implemented as follows:

GL.BelndFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha);

Memorize that function! It's the one you will use 90% of the time!

To get an idea of how this works, Let's examine how it would work for a single pixel.

  • Say we drew a red triangle onto screen
    • The frame buffer has a red pixel
    • DST: (1, 0, 0, 1)
  • Next, we draw a blue triangle with 50% opacity
    • SRC: (0, 0, 1, 0.5)
  • With the blend factors we've chose, the source color is multiplied by the srouce alpha
    • (0, 0, 1) * 0.5 = (0, 0, 0.5)
    • SRC: (0, 0, 0.5, 0.5)
  • The destination will be multiplied by 1 - source alpha (0.5)
    • (1, 0, 0) * (1 - 0.5) = (0.5, 0, 0)
    • DST: (0.5, 0, 0, 1)
  • Finally, the source and destination colors are added together.
    • SRC + DST = (0, 0, 0.5) + (0.5, 0, 0)
    • Result: ( 0.5, 0, 0.5)
  • This added number is written to the frame buffer
    • (0.5, 0, 0.5) written to frame buffer

This simple example ignores one very important thing: you have to pay attention to the depth of the objects and the order in which they are rendered when using transperancy.

When we draw without transperancy, the order of drawing commands doesn't matter, as the Z-Buffer will take care of hiding overlapping objects for us.

When you use transparency however, order most definateley matters! Lets assume you have two objects, a solid and a transparent one. If you draw a solid object first, then a transparent object, you will see the image get blended as expected. But if you draw the transparent object first, then the solid object, the transparent object will draw and blend with the clear color. Then parts of the solid object not overlapping the transparent object will draw. And your scene will look broken.

The most common way to handle this is to make two render passes at the scene. First, render only solid objects. Next, enable blending and render only transparent objects. This will fix the problem in 90% of the cases, but sometimes you have overlapping transparent objects!

The full fix is to do the two render passes as described above, but also sort the transparent objects so the furthest objects render first. As you will see later, even this isn't a perfect solution

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