
The game starts out looking at the town portal. In this screen there are heroes walking around a 3D town. Only unlocked heroes show up in the town.


  1. Currency
    1. Displays the amount of coins the player has
    2. Clicking will pop up this dialog
  2. Energy
    1. Displays the amount of energy the player has
    2. Clicking will pop up this dialog
  3. Quests
    1. This is the meta-game driver
    2. Clicking will pop up this dialog
  4. Heroes
    1. Player can view and upgrade heroes here
    2. Clicking will pop up this dialog
  5. Summon (Not portal)
    1. The only way to acquire new heroes
    2. Clicking will transition to the summon scene
  6. Play / Campaign / Battle (Open to suggestions)
    1. Call to action, should be bigger than other buttons
    2. Clicking will take the player to the level select scene

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