Tofu RPG Game Bible

Design Document

This document outlines the new game we are trying to create. This game is codenamed Tofu RPG.

Tofu RPG is based on Dungeon Boss, a turn based RPG published by big-fish. Our goal is to re-create this game, but smaller and simpler. We will stream-line the design by removing all of the non-vital parts of the game, such as In app purchases.

Technically, the entire game will be self contained. This is not how Dungeon Boss works. Dungeon Boss relies on asset bundles for continous asset delivery. Our goal is to make this game in two to three months. This means significantly reducing complexity, which means cutting advanced features like asset bundles.

All of the 3D elements of the game will be stock assets, purchased from the unity asset store. All of the 2D aspects of the game will be custom made.


  • Learn Real World Skills
  • Build A Stable Game
  • Deploy for iOS, Android, Web & Desktop
  • Visual polish


  • Profit
  • Fun
  • Advanced Features
  • In Depth Gameplay


This project will be made with Unity 5.4.2f1 make sure to install the correct version!

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